In this case study, an international ingredients company engaged CPL Business Consultants to provide a briefing comparing the use and market positioning of industrial sweeteners in North America and Europe.
The overall objective was to summarise the use of sweeteners in the food industry. In order to do this, CPL obtained original market data on the use of industrial sweeteners in beverages, jams/marmalades and fruit preparations, desserts and sauces.
Initially, CPL examined the relationship between the use of sugar/HFCS and the relative market positioning of these products. The study also focused on corn syrup use, comparing data from the USA and Canada where sugar and starch-based sweeteners had not been regulated, with data obtained from the EU where quotas had constrained the use of starch-based sweeteners and sugar.
Industrial Sweeteners Market Positioning
Markets for Industrial Sweeteners Ingredients
- Beverage Market
- Jam Market
- Yoghurt Market
- Sauce Market
- Desserts Market
Industrial Sweeteners Retail Markets
- US food retailing
- EU food retailing
Voice of Customer
Views on use of sugar in US and EU
- Retailers
- Food manufacturers
- Consumers
Market Positioning and Customer Relationships
- Soft drinks
- Preserves
- Sauces and condiments
- Desserts
Product Surveys
- Products that use sweeteners in the US supermarkets
- Products that use sweeteners in the EU supermarkets
CPL Business Consultants has worked on many other projects relating to sugar and sweeteners. Further examples include Industrial Sugar Markets, High Intensity Sweeteners, Erythritol and Stevia. You can also use the search function to find many other examples.
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