
“Throughout our long-standing relationship, the CPL team has provided us with valuable market insights based on their commercial experience and technical understanding.”

Director of Scientific Affairs,
Major International Ingredients Company, UK

“CPL can provide sound business advice rapidly even in complex technological sectors.”

Senior Business Development Director,
Global Manufacturing Company, The Netherlands

“CPL provided valuable insight which significantly helped with our due diligence process.”

Private Equity, Europe

"CPL helped us to quantify the significant added value our company offers and design a robust business model to valorise this.”

Global Managing Director,
Agriculture Company

“Marketing’s mission is to help create, refine and transport values from producer to customer. CPL greatly supported us in assessing, structuring and diversifying our values portfolio.”

International Marketing and Communications Manager,
Agricultural Genetics
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CPL Business Consultants

CPL Business Consultants provides consultancy on strategy, markets and technology for business development and transactions, specialising in ingredients for food, health and nutrition, dietary supplements, animal feed, petfood, agriculturecosmeticsfine chemicals and pharmaceuticals. 

We deliver high-quality work, insightful information, robust fact-based analysis, prudent advice and real action plans to a global client base.

Over 300 case studies of our consultants’ strategy projects for private clients are outlined on this website. With over 35 years of corporate experience, CPL Business Consultants is the leading boutique B2B strategy consultancy for ingredients and other inputs.

Finalist, Service Provider of the Year – NutraIngredients Awards.

Dr Robert Harwood, Managing Director, provides a brief overview of of CPL’s strengths and capabilities

Featured Projects

Some examples of CPL Business Consultants’ projects are shown below. Please use the search box above or click on Sector Expertise or Functional Expertise to find examples of our work which are relevant to your needs. Not all projects are shown on this website, so please contact us for further details of our experience. 

CPL Business Consultants provided a detailed report on the market for plant sterols in food and pharma with strategic recommendations.


Plant Sterol and Stanol Markets

CPL Business Consultants completed a detailed technical due diligence on a global precision fermentation company for a Private Equity client.


Precision Fermentation Technical Due Diligence

CPL Business Consultants made strategic recommendations on where to play and innovation in alternative protein markets and technologies for fishmeal replacement in animal feed and aquaculture.


Fishmeal Replacement Protein Market

CPL Business Consultants assisted a custom nutritional premixes solutions business with its growth strategy, improving its value proposition.


Custom Nutritional Premixes – Growth Strategy

CPL Business Consultants provided assistance to the client with assessing the formulation economics and pricing for its novel protein ingredient in Powders, RTD shakes, Protein Drinks and Protein Bars.


Pricing Model for a Novel Protein Ingredient

CPL Business Consultants assisted a Private Equity client in answering key questions regarding the potential synergies between an animal feed additive and premix company and one of its portfolio companies as part of a due diligence process. This also involved using technical and commercial input, and facilitating technical brainstorming session exploring possible product synergies.


Animal Feed Additives Company Due Diligence

CPL at Trade Shows

CPL participates in various industry-specific trade shows, industry events and scientific conferences.  Some of the events included in our calendar are shown below. Please contact us to arrange a meeting at a show. 

Meet CPL Business Consultants at SCS Formulate, the largest and most comprehensive personal care and cosmetics ingredients show in the UK.
12 Nov, 2024

SCS Formulate

Coventry, 12-13 November 2024

Meet CPL Business Consultants at Food Ingredients Europe (Fi Europe), Frankfurt 2024.
19 Nov, 2024

Food Ingredients Europe (Fi Europe)

Frankfurt, 19 – 21 November 2024

Campden BRI Day

Campden BRI Day

Chipping Campden, TBC 2024


Follow CPL Business Consultants (#cplconsult) on LinkedInTwitterInstagram and Facebook for news, insights and commentary. 

How can we help you?

Please let us know how we can help you. Please feel free to contact us.