CPL Business Consultants has a long history of working in crop protection and bioagriculture. This includes working with bioprotection (biopesticide, bioinsecticide and bioherbicide), biostimulant and biofertiliser companies for more than 35 years. The sector has seen increased regulatory pressure and a move towards more sustainable practices. Major chemical companies such as BASF, Syngenta and Corteva have invested in biopesticides.
CPL business Consultants has conducted numerous engagements on bioagriculture and crop protection for leading players and investors. Our work has also covered innovations and opportunities in agricultural biotechnology (agbio) and advances in breeding such as CRISPR.
In plant nutrition, CPL has worked on biological, organic and conventional products. Specifically, it has addressed specialist topics such as controlled release, ‘smart’ fertilisers, ‘elicitors’, hydroponics and aeroponics. We have also explored opportunities for new and emerging plant nutrition materials such as insect frass. In conventional pesticides, CPL Business Consultants has worked on intermediates and production technologies, Integrated Pest Management and synergies with bioagriculture. CPL also published a comprehensive bioprotection report for many years.
CPL’s team includes consultants with direct industry experience and has a comprehensive body of knowledge from relevant consulting engagements. Projects have ranged from technical strategy (e.g. finding partners to solve specific challenges), R&D strategy, market entry strategy, Voice of Customer surveys, corporate strategy, acquisition targeting and technical and commercial due diligence. Some case studies of CPL projects are found below. Please click on the links to see further details.