In this case study, a regional sugar company engaged CPL Business Consultants to provide insights into the manufacturing processes and markets for inulin. CPL provided detailed market information and strategic recommendations, which assisted with its decision on whether or not to enter the market.
The study’s objective was to assist a client in assessing whether there is an opportunity to enter the inulin market by growing chicory and manufacturing inulin. The client needed to know whether it should use its experience, expertise and capabilities to broaden its range of products to include inulin.
The interest in inulin arises from its use for specific health benefits rather than perceiving it as a commodity. The client, therefore, wanted to understand the present and future markets in all sectors, but especially in respect of its health benefits.
You can click here for a PDF of the contents of the study or look below for an outline.
Inulin Markets and Processes
Executive Summary
- Objective
- Scope of the Study
- Method
- Principal Findings
- Inulin, Oligofructan (OF) and Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
- Market Volumes, Values and Growth
- Players and Products
- Market Sectors and Applications
- End User Perception
- Inulin versus FOS
- Soluble Fibres & Prebiotics
- Applications, technical functions & health benefits of soluble fibres/prebiotics
- Markets & Trends
- Manufacturers and products
- Functional Foods
- Inulin, Oligofructan (OF) and Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
Inulin, Oligofructose and FOS Markets
- Definitions
- History
- The History of the Companies Presently in the Business
- Players/Distributors
- FOS (Fructooligosaccharides)
- Inulin & Oligofructosaccharides
- Products
- Details on FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) Products
- Details on some Inulin & Oligofructosaccharide Products
- Market Volume, Value & trends
- Current Market
- World Trade Data
- Japanese Market
- Applications, Market Sectors and End User Perception
Soluble Fibres Market
- Market Volume, Value and Trends
- Players and Products
- Health Benefits
Labelling & Legislation
- Labelling on Ingredients List
- Health & Nutrition-related Claims
- FOS (Fructooligosaccharides)
- Inulin & Oligofructosaccharides
- Brief Summary of recent Contact Reports
- Companies
- Key Factors for Success
- Health claims
- Prices
- Market Growth
- Applications
- Substitutes
- Producers/Distributors
- Customers
- Others
Chicory, Processing and Agronomy
- The Chicory plant
- Processing e.g.
- Introduction
- Diffusion
- Evaporation
- Carbon polishing
- Alternative Step – Ion Exclusion
- Agronomy e.g.
- Topping levels
- Losses
- Harvest Period
- Processing and Agronomy Contacts
- Orafti’s Plant in Chile
- Minnesota Chicory Opportunities
- Forage Chicory
- Analysis of Recent Trade Press
- Glossary of fat replacers
- Interactive European Network for Industrial Crops and their Applications
- Consumer Acceptability of Low Fat Foods Containing Inulin and Oligofructose
Tables e.g.
- Chemical composition & characteristics of candidate prebiotic carbohydrates
- Inulin, Oligofructose (OF) and FOS products currently on the Market
- Evolution of the Global Market
- Value of Import Market ($m) by World Region
- Import Volume (kt) by World Region
- Oligosaccharide production in Japan
- Fat Replacers for Various Applications
- Manufactures of Soluble Fibre Ingredients
- Nutrient Content and Health Claims for Inulin
- Details of Orafti Plant in Chile
- Global New Product Launches
- Manufactures of Soluble Fibre Ingredients
- Production of Chicory for Inulin
- Proposal for a Russian Production Plant
CPL has worked on similar projects, including opportunities, markets, fructose from chicory, and fructo-oligosaccharides. Have a look at our Introduction and Brochure for a description of our consultancy work.