CPL Business Consultants published a comprehensive report on the biopesticides market in North America. This formed part of the most accurate and comprehensive series of reports covering the biopesticides market globally.
Whilst this edition of the report is no longer in publication, CPL has worked on many other biopesticides market projects since then and can produce an updated version on request.
All the indicators suggested that growth in biopesticide sales had accelerated and the market would continue to grow strongly.
This volume analysed and projected the markets in the US, Canada and Mexico for microorganisms and nematodes. CPL described key developments and trends and summarised validated market data along with growth rates (CAGR), major players and product tables.
CPL’s studies are based on primary data obtained from those working in the sector combined with information from our databases, other studies and the public domain. CPL analysed these combined data to provide insight and guidance for companies interested in making and selling biopesticides.
See this PDF – Contents of North America Biopesticides Market – for the contents of the historic study or the summary below. Please contact CPL Business Consultants if you would like to purchase a copy of the historic report for background information or if you would like to commission an update.
For details of other reports in the Biopesticides series, click here.
Biopesticides Market in North America
The North American biopesticides market had increased dramatically over the previous two years. At the time, the US was the biggest user of microbials in the region, followed by Canada and, then, Mexico. At the time, the North American biopesticide represented less than 5% of the total pesticide market.
Our review of the market indicated substantial growth in the sales of biopesticides in response to:
- New Product Introductions
- Improved Scientific Credibility
- Greater User Confidence
- Pressure for Greater Sustainability in Agriculture.
This produced a paradigm shift towards biopesticides. All the indicators suggested that growth in biopesticide sales would accelerate. A substantial move by the agrochemical majors into the biopesticide business confirmed this ‘sea change’, notably through acquisition of some of the key players, such as Becker Underwood (by BASF) and AgraQuest (by Bayer CropScience).
The market grew particularly in biochemical biopesticides and invertebrate biocontrol agents. Growth in some microbial biopesticides was similar. However, sales of the mainstay of that sector, the caterpillar active Bacillus thuringiensis products, were mostly flat and there was a notable decline in use in forestry.
Based on historical sources, and our own estimate of total biopesticide sales, it was possible to see substantial growth in the North American biopesticide market.
Microbial Biopesticides
CPL estimated the North American microbial biopesticides market to have increased significantly. However, although some sectors, such as products based on Bacillus subtilis had increased significantly, sales of Bacillus thuringiensis for caterpillar control had either stagnated or, indeed, declined (notably in the forestry sector). The proportion of the microbials market taken by Bt-based products (including Bt H14 for mosquitoes) had therefore decreased.
The US was the biggest user of microbials in the region, followed by Mexico and, then, Canada, where insect pests are far less prevalent.
Growth in the US Biopesticides Market
The fastest growing sectors in the US had been the fungicidal products based on Bacillus subtilis and fungal-based materials. Growth prospects in the US overall remained good although there was no evidence for the meteoric rise which had beepredicted earlier in the decade. The market in Mexico for Bacillus subtilis has increased and there is a steadily growing sector in locally-produced, fungal-based products. Sales are large and products were cheap. Canada was not a large user of either insecticides or fungicides but the prospects for growth are good in response to government encouragement and pesticide bans.
Although overall growth in the microbial biopesticide market in North America had not lived up to earlier expectations, the potential remained high and opportunities existed which had the potential to raise the total market significantly.
This volume contained 296 pages including 94 tables, 108 figures and information on hundreds of companies.
This report formed part of a series which included the global biopesticides market e.g. in Europe, APAC, LATAM and MEA. CPL has also published a ‘how to do it’ guide, as well as numerous single client studies. For information about CPL Business Consultants, have a look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables, differentiators and case studies. You can also review eight case studies.