In this case study, an ingredients company engaged CPL Business Consultants to provide information on trends in the inulin market. The aim of this short report was to provide insights into any new opportunities within the inulin market and give the client an overview of recent developments.
CPL initially obtained in-house information, information and contacts from proprietary and publicly available sources. We then contacted and visited a number of relevant inulin market stakeholders. CPL sought authentic insights in to the reputation of inulin and the views of the manufacturers and their agents.
The report answered the following key questions:
- Is inulin popular and are the trends in the market upwards?
- Is the principal use technical e.g. in texturization, or as a prebiotic ingredient?
- How do health practitioners view of inulin as a nutritionally functional ingredient?
- What are the general trends in foods and in fibre-enhanced products?
- What does chicory processing and inulin production involve?
- What are the current market opportunities?
Inulin Market Opportunities
Executive Summary
- Objective
- Method
- Principal Findings
- Conclusions and recommendations
Inulin Health Benefits and Markets for Prebiotics
- Prebiotics
- Probiotics
- Synbiotics
Players and Products Update
- e.g. Beneo
Views of Current Inulin Applications
- Inulin customers
- Inulin manufacturers
Recent Scientific Research
- e.g. Stimulation of bifidobacteria by oligofructose and inulin
Processing Chicory
- Introduction
- Main processes e.g.
- Diffusion
- Carbon polishing
- Alternative and additional processes e.g.
- Ultrafiltration
- Electrodialysis
- Agronomy e.g.
- Topping levels
CPL Business Consultant has worked on the inulin and prebiotics market on many occasions, you can see another example here. Alternatively, you can search for further examples using the search box on this site. Have a look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables, differentiators. Additionally, you can review Eight case studies.