In this case study, a regional fish processing company engaged CPL Business Consultants to look at expanding its markets by selling fish oils and fish liver protein into pet food. CPL’s detailed report and go-to-market recommendations allowed the client to make an informed decision for its market entry strategy.
The objective of this study was to assist the client in focusing its strategy in respect of the pet food business. Specifically, the study addresses the current and future status in pet food of new products derived from fish. The study investigated a number of possibilities that could provide future courses of action. It focussed on the probable future of these fish-derived products in pet foods and on a beneficial strategy in this area.
The study concluded that the pet food sector has a definite interest in fish oils as pet food ingredients, although the product should not be high-specification, high-cost oils. The study recommended that the client pursue opportunities in this sector with it new products.
An outline of the contents of the study can be found below.
Fish Oils and Fish Liver Protein in Petfood
Executive Summary
- Objective
- Methodology
- Main Findings
- Recommendations
- Fish Oils as Pet Food Ingredients
- Fish Oil as a Pet Care Supplement
- Fish Liver Protein
Fish Oils
- Fish Oils as Ingredients
- Fish Oil as a Supplement
Fish Liver Protein
- Factors Affecting the Use of New Proteins in Petfood
- Manufacturer’s Views
Petfood Market Overview
- Trends
- Products
- Types of Pet Food Products on the Market
- Leading Brands of Pet Food
- Factors Affecting sales of Pet Food
- Markets and Trends
- UK Pet Food Products
- Products in France, Germany, Holland, Belgium
- Pet Food Products in the US and Canada
- Other Significant Pet Food Companies
- Selling Pet Food
- Marketing Pet Food
- UK Market Research
- Retailing Pet Food
- Marketing Pet Food
- Pet Food R&D
- Contract Pet Food R&D
Contact Reports
- Interviews with Pet Food Companies
- Pet Food Manufacturers
- Supplement Companies
- Other Pet Food Companies
- Interviews with Retailers
- Specialist Pet Product Retailers
In addition to this project on fish oils and fish liver protein in pet food, CPL has also worked on pet food markets, other pet food ingredients, including alginate, and fish products. You can find further examples using the search bar on this page or by browsing by areas of expertise. Have a look at our Introduction and Brochure for a description of our consultancy work. You can also review eight case studies.