In this case study, a global starch manufacturer engaged CPL Business Consultants to analyse the market for speciality starch in baking applications in Europe and the Middle East. CPL’s comprehensive report included strategic recommendations on the market approach and product positioning. Following CPL’s advice, the client was able to position its products more effectively and optimise its marketing focus to increase sales.
The objective of this study was to help in planning an approach to the potential markets for speciality starch in baking applications. The focus was on opportunities in Europe and the Middle East. The client had a range of specialty starches which offer wide-ranging benefits in bakery applications and
wanted to build on its current sales to grow the business significantly over five years. To do this, it engaged CPL to identify targets in the bakery industry where it could provide innovative solutions to meet potential market needs.
The client already had a large amount of information on the market sectors and sub-sectors, trends and market position within the total food market. It also had data for market sizes by sector and by country, overseas trade figures and historical and projected market volumes and values. However, it required specific market analysis based on experience and contacts within the bakery industry, combined with knowledge and experience in the functional ingredients sector. CPL was able to fulfil this need and provide the necessary experience and insight to give practicable and actionable strategic recommendations for growing its speciality business.
Click here for a PDF of the contents of the study, or look below for an outline.
Starch in Baking
- Objective and background
- Method
- Scope
- Principal Findings & Conclusions
- Market for Starch in Bakery Applications
- Starch Players, Strategies & Products
- Results from Survey & Interviews
- Recommendation
Answers to Specific Client Questions
- Bakers Starch Needs and Preferences
- Mix Manufacturers’ Requirements
- Opportunity for the Client in Bakery
Quotes from interviews
- Baking Customers Starch Buying Criteria
- Trends in Baking and Relevance to Starch
The Bakery Market
- Markets for baked goods
Competitive Analysis
- Summary of Players Selling Starch into Baking Markets
Starch Ingredients Players and Products
Companies in Europe and the Middle East:
- Algeria
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Canada
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- France
- Germany
- Portugal
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Sweden
- The Netherlands
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Vietnam
Bakery Ingredients Suppliers Case Studies
- 2 companies
Starch Markets in Baking
- Trends
- Challenges Presented by Current Bakery Trends
- Importance of Claims and Acceptable Cost Add-on
- Ingredient Change
- Supplier Criteria
- Starch Company Awareness
Contacts in Bakeries and Ingredients
59 contacts interviewed:
- Ingredient and Pre-mix Companies
- Bakeries
- Food Companies
- Other
Starch and Baking in the News
- Overview
- News articles
Figures and Tables
- 11 Tables
- 53 Figures
In addition to this project on starch in baking, CPL has worked on many other relevant projects including starch in dairy, starch marketing, and due diligence for a bakery ingredients company. Have a look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables, differentiators and case studies. You can also review eight case studies.