In this case study, CPL Business Consultants was engaged by a process technology and engineering company to look at potential market opportunities in yeast, yeast extracts and yeast products. CPL’s detailed report included market dynamics, a voice of customer analysis and recommendations for a market growth strategy. The client was able to use CPL’s insights to address market needs which it had previously been unaware of.
The objective of this project was to identify the areas with the greatest market potential for yeast and yeast products and to give advice on how certain technologies fit the needs of those specific market sectors. The information provided helped to formulate a marketing approach for this sector, including a qualified list of companies to approach and their needs. The geographical scope of the project was worldwide.
The yeast business and the yeast extract (including hydrolysed yeast) business are two distinct businesses with different dominant players. Yeast products are a third business sector that has players from a number of sectors, from dietary supplements to pet food to animal feed. CPL characterised these three business sectors and made strategic recommendations on the market approach, detailing potential customers and their needs as business development priorities.
CPL provided insight and understanding relating to the technologies used, the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies, unmet needs, potential areas of development and market gaps to exploit. In addition, the study addressed routes to market, barriers to entry and success factors for equipment manufacturers. The report included details of all contacts made and a list of companies within these market sectors, along with CPL’s view of how best to sell to these companies.
Click here for a PDF of the contents of the study, or otherwise, look below for an outline.
Yeast, Yeast Extracts and Yeast Products
Executive Summary
- Objective
- Method
- Principal Findings
- Yeast Extracts
- Active Yeasts
- Baker’s Yeast
- Wine, Beer and Distiller’s Yeast
- Brewer’s Yeast
- Active Feed Yeast
- Other Yeast Products
- Technological Needs
- Yeast extracts
- Active Dry Yeasts
- Marketing Approach
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
- Yeast Extracts and Yeast Products
- Definitions
- History
- Market
- Production
- Commercial yeasts
- Food Yeast
- Yeast for Animal Feed
- Yeast Extract
- Yeast Extract with Natural Nucleotides
- Autolysed Yeast
- Yeast Cell Wall
- Baker’s Yeast
- Market
- Distribution
- Production
- Types of Baker’s Yeast
- Beer, Wine and Distiller’s Yeast
- Market
- Distribution
- Production
Markets and Trends
- Yeast Extracts
- Markets
- Trends
- Baker’s Yeast
- Markets
- Trends
- Wine, Beer and Distiller’s Yeast
- Breweries
- Markets
- Trends
- Active Feed Yeast
Current Opportunities and Technology Needs
- Current Opportunities
- Technology Needs
Main Players
- Yeast, Yeast Products and Yeast Extracts
- 13 companies
- Distributors
- 1 company
- Breweries
- 10 companies
- Others
- 2 companies
Contact Reports
- Overview of Contact Reports
- Main Players
- Markets
- Key Factors for Success
- Trends
- Technologies of Main Players
- Technology Needs
- Opportunities
- Marketing approach
- Yeast, Yeast Extract and Yeast Products
- 21 companies
- Distributors
- 2 companies
- Industry Organisations
- 4organisations
- Breweries
- 6 companies
- Others
- 4 companies
- Yeast Extracts
- 23 items
- Active Yeast
- 22 items
- Animal Feed
- 2 items
- Beer and Breweries
- 3 items
- Appendix 1 – Technology Developments
- Recent Patents
- Patents prior to 2005
- Appendix 2 – Some Bioethanol Plants in Brazil
- Appendix 3 – Selected Yeast Manufacturing and Sales Sites
- Austria
- Australia
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- China
- Columbia
- Czech Republic
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iran
- Ireland
- Italy
- Moldovia
- Morocco
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Serbia
- Spain
- Slovak Republic
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- Ukraine
- Appendix 4 – Lallemand animal Feed yeast formats
- Levucell SC (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
- Levucell SC Beef
- Biotal SC Original
- Biotal SC Toxisorb
- Biotal SC gold
- Biotal SC Platinum
- Biotal SC Emerald
- Levucell SB (S.cerevisiae spp boulardii)
- Biotal SB sow
- Biotal SB Weaner
- Phaffia Yeast
- Appendix 4 – Additional Lallemand Contacts
- Lallemand Bakers Yeast in Europe
- Lallemand Distillers Yeast Contacts
Tables and Figures
- 15 Tables and 14 Figures
In addition to this project on Yeast, Yeast Extracts and Yeast Products, CPL has worked on many other yeast-related projects. For example we have worked on yeast beta-glucan, yeast extract markets, baker’s yeast and brewer’s yeast and GDDY. Have a look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables, differentiators and case studies. You can also review eight case studies.