A leading manufacturer of insect pest monitoring and trapping solutions engaged CPL Business Consultants to provide an overview of the pheromone market to inform its business growth strategy.
CPL’s client, a pioneer in commercialising pheromone technology for insect trapping, required market analysis and insights to inform its business planning and growth strategy. As an expert in the field, CPL provided a comprehensive report highlighting areas of potential growth and opportunity for the client. Based on these data, CPL assessed the feasibility of the client’s business plan and growth forecasts and made recommendations for any adjustments which should be made. The client was able to implement its growth strategy with a degree of confidence.
The main contents of CPL’s report are shown below.
Pheromone Market Size and Growth
Executive Summary
- Summary Of Sector Overviews
- Attract And Kill Codling Moth And Other Lepidoptera
- Codling Moth Control In Orchards
- Other Lepidoptera
- Attract And Kill Fruit Flies
- Olive Fly Control
- Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Medfly) Control
- Lures
- Red Palm Weevil Control In Palm Plantations
- Rhinocerus Beetle Control In Palm Plantations
- Spruce Bark Beetle Control
- Bee Protection
- Against Varroa In Beehives
- Sheep Blowfly Control
Pheromone Market by Application
- Codling Moth Control in Orchards
- European Pome Orchards
- Codling Moth
- Treatment
- Pheromone Control: Confusion Technique
- Problems with Confusion Technique
- Pheromone Control: Attract and Kill Techniques
- Attract and Kill for Other Lepidoptera
- Attract and Kill Technique
- European Corn Borer
- Olive Fly Control by Attract and Kill
- European Olive Crop
- Olive Fruit Fly
- Treatment
- Pheromone Control Methods
- Medfly Control by Attract and Kill
- Mediterranean Fruit Fly
- Affected Crops
- Treatment
- Pheromone Control Methods
- Red Palm Weevil Control in Palm Plantations
- The Palm Industry
- Red Palm Weevil (RPW)
- Treatment
- Pheromone Control Methods
- Rhinoceros Beetle Control
- Oil and Coconut Palm
- Rhinoceros Beetle
- Treatment
- Pheromone Control Methods
- Spruce Bark Beetle Control
- Spruce Bark Beetle
- Treatment
- Pheromone Control Methods
- Varroa Control in Beehives
- European Beekeeping
- Varroa Mites
- Pheromone Control Methods
- Sheep Blowfly Control
- Sheep Blowfly
- Semiochemical Trap
- Pheromone Market Companies
You can find further examples of our work on biopesticides on this site, for example a biopesticides review. Please look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables and differentiators. You can also review eight case studies.