In this case study, a research organisation engaged CPL Business Consultants to review the Lubilosa project, which aimed to commercialise Metarhizium for locust control in West Africa.
LUBILOSA was a research programme based on the acronym Lutte Biologique contre les Locustes et les Sauteriaux (biological control of locusts and grasshoppers). The programme was conceived by Chris Prior and David Greathead of the International Institute of Biological Control (IIBC), a former research institute of CAB International that was based at Silwood Park in the UK at that time.
The programme identified an isolate of an entomopathogenic fungus belonging to the genus Metarhizium and virulent to locusts. It went through all the necessary steps to develop the commercial biopesticide product Green Muscle based on its spores. You can find details of the history of the programme can in this Wikipedia article.
The review provided information to the donors and participants in the Lubilosa project to take advantage of the lessons learned during future projects. The review was also a final assessment of the impact of the Lubilosa project, which developed ‘Green Muscle’ based on Metarhizium for use against locusts and grasshoppers.
Becker Underwood, which was acquired by BASF, produced Green Muscle but Éléphant Vert now produces and sells the product.
Click here for a PDF of the contents of the study or look below for an outline.
Lubilosa – Metarhizium Use in Africa
Executive Summary
- Objective
- Method
- Principal Findings
- Recommendations
- Cost
- Politics
- Dissemination of Information and Technology Transfer
- Production
General Review Lubilosa – Metarhizium Use in West Africa
- Specific Achievements
- Management
- Technology
- Registration
- Capacity Building
- Commercial Awareness and Use
- Constraints
- Production Constraints
- Cost Constraints
- Management Constraints
- Terms of Reference
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Acknowledgements
- Visit Programmes
- References
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