In this case study CPL Business Consultants was engaged by a global ingredients company to look at the potential to sell its products into the biolubricants or ‘green fluid’ markets.
CPL gathered relevant information and made potential customer contacts in order to define the best market/product niches to fit the client’s capabilities. The client wanted to enter the environmentally acceptable “green fluid” market and therefore required specific information to develop a business plan to facilitate its entry into selected target market segments/products.
The project scope focused on ‘business-to-business’ market opportunities in North America and included esters for use in synthetic lubricants, hydraulic fluids, metal working fluids, bio-greases and also other renewable resource-based functional fluids. The possibilities in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals were also considered.
The functional fluid (lubricant) industrial sector covers many different market segments, all of which are complex with respect to the customer base, material technology and required application know-how; therefore, this project was structured in two phases.
Firstly we identified the various segments / sub-segments in functional fluids, defined limitations and success factors and recommended potential areas for more detailed business analysis. Then, the scope in the second phase was narrowed to a few segments / sub-segments in which the client had the best potential fit and the best opportunities for success.
Phase Two explored supply/demand considerations for the segments selected during Phase One and focused firmly on customers relevant to specific market segments for renewable resource-based functional fluids.
Click to see the contents of phase one of the study, or you can also look below for an outline.
Partnership Opportunities in ‘Green Fluid’ Biolubricants
Principal Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
- Biolubricants, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Markets
- Key Success Factors and Barriers to Entry
Lubricant Market Overview
Global Market and CAGR
- North American Market
- United States and Canada
- Biolubricant Usage and Markets
- Crankcase Oils
- Transformer Fluids
- Elevator Hydraulic Fluids
- Other Hydraulic Fluids
- Metal Working Fluids
- 2-Cycle Engine Oils
- Bar and Chain Oils
- Wire Rope Grease
- Railroad Lubricants
Regulations and Legislation – The Key Market Driver
- Federal Preferred Purchasing and Product Labelling
Lubricants Technology
- Lubricant Type/Function
- Lubricant Segmentation
- Process Oils
- Hydraulic Fluids
- Metal Working Fluids
- Other Lubricants
12 Contacts
Market Data
- Global Lubricant Demand by Product Volume
- Global Manufacturing Lubricant Demand by Volume
- North American Lubricant Demand by Volume
- US Lubricant Demand by Volume
- Canadian Lubricant Demand by Volume
- Global Functional Fluid Revenue Projections
List of Target Companies
Overview of Cosmetic / Personal Care Chemicals
- Cosmetics and Personals Care Chemicals Market
- Industry Structure
- Cosmetics and Personal Care Trends
- Key Success Factors
- Major Ingredient Producers
- Personal Care Chemical Products and Functions
- Emollients and Moisturizers Market
- Thickening Agents Market
- Carriers
- Propellants
- Preservatives
- Single-Use Additives
Overview of Pharmaceuticals
- Mineral Oils
- 7 Mineral Oil Companies
- Key Features of the Global Industry
- Pharmaceuticals Market
- Central Nervous System
- Cardiovascular drugs
- The gastrointestinal/metabolism drugs
- Pharmaceutical Market Trends
- Aging Population
- Increase in R&D Spending
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- New Partnerships
- Marketing and Internet
- New Role for Drug makers
- The Drug Development Process
- 11 Players
- The US Pharmaceutical Industry
- US vs. Europe – Competitive Comparison
12 Tables and 8 Figures
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