In this case study, a crop protection company engaged CPL Business Consultants to review techniques for manufacturing biopesticides by fermentation. CPL produced a concise report outlining production methods, costs involved, and also included recommendations for a go-to-market strategy.
The objective of this study was to address the issues around manufacturing of bio-pesticides by fermentation. Our client particularly wanted to know which participants have capabilities in submerged and solid-state fermentation and their typical production costs. CPL made strategic recommendations on how to proceed, including selecting an appropriate partner and also the nature of the relationship with the partner. Lastly, we provided a guide to the practicalities of solid-state fermentation
Biopesticides Manufacturing by Fermentation
Biopesticide Fermentation Types
- Submerged Fermentation Biopesticide Players
- Solid State Fermentation Biopesticide Players
Production Costs
- Submerged Fermentation Costs
- Solid State Fermentation Costs
- Potential Issues with Manufacturing Biopesticides by Fermentation
- Strategic Recommendations
Typical Solid State Fermentation
- The Critical Nature Of Production
- Solid Fermentation (SSF)
- Steps in Solid Fermentation e.g.
- Chose a Method
- Select a Medium
- Maintain Sterility
- Transfer Oxygen and Heat
- Recover the Product
- Scale-Up the System
CPL Business Consultants has completed several other projects on manufacturing biopesticides by fermentation, one example can be found here and another here. You can find further examples of our work on biopesticides on this site. Please look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables and differentiators. You can also review eight case studies.