In this case study, a sugar refiner engaged CPL Business Consultants to recommend a competitive strategy in the sucrose esters market. The client had already entered the market and wanted to expand its business in Europe. CPL’s short but insightful report provided the necessary information to plan its growth strategy.
The objective of this study was to determine a competitive strategy for the client in the sucrose esters business. Four areas of the business were investigated:
- Commercial aspects
- Current and potential markets in food and cosmetics
- Key success factors for current participants in the sucrose ester business
- Barriers to entry for new competitors
- Technical aspects
- Technical capabilities of sucrose esters in customers’ products
- Current and future manufacturing abilities of present and potential competitors
- Legal aspects
- Permitted uses for sucrose esters
- Possible market growth from banning or customer avoidance of competing products
- Historical aspects
- Reasons why Tate & Lyle (now ASR) had historically entered the sucrose ester business but left it
The project established if there were any unique functionalities for sucrose esters and the relevance of these as part of a market growth strategy.
Information was obtained from a variety of contacts within the industry, including manufacturers, distributors and agents, actual or potential customers in the food and cosmetics industries, market and technical consultants. This included established contacts within several companies thought likely to be potential customers. CPL was well placed to assist with this study as several of its consultants had direct experience in this business.
Competitive Strategy for Sucrose Esters
Executive Summary
- Objective
- Method
- Principal Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
- Markets
- Market Awareness
- Price
- Production Capacity and Competition
- Competition – Sales
- Legal aspects
- Recommendations
- Market Strategy
- Potential Profitability
- Markets
Markets for Sucrose Esters
- Markets by Region
- Japan
- EU
- Rest of the World
- Markets by Application
- Food
- Summary
- Foods Markets
- Interviews
- Food Industry
- Food Industry Consultants
- Cosmetics
- Summary
- Transforming emulsions
- Natural ingredients
- Supplier Influence
- Interviews
- Cosmetics
- Food
Emulsifiers Companies
- Interviews on Sales and Production Competition
- Interviews with 13 Companies
Legal Aspects
- Introduction
- Food
- Cosmetics
- UK Regulations
History of Sucrose Esters
- Tate and Lyle Case Study
- Market Development
In addition to this strategy project, another example of a project on sucrose esters and one on fatty esters can be found on this site. You can find further relevant examples using the search bar on this page, or by browsing this site by areas of expertise. Have a look at our Introduction and Brochure for a description of our consultancy work. You can also review eight case studies.