In this case study, a sugar company engaged CPL Business Consultants to provide a strategic and tactical plan for its speciality consumer and industrial sugars divisions. CPL benchmarked the competition and formulated a strategy to increase profitability and growth.
Speciality sugars include brown sugars, syrups, syrup blends and physically modified sugars. In many countries, most industrial sugar was white sugar, with a very small range of speciality sugars for specific industries. Similarly, most consumer sugar was also white sugar with a wide range of speciality, flavoured and blended sugar and syrups.
The objective of the project was to provide a framework for the strategy, tactics and operational plans of the client. The original plan included the development of some novel product concepts and a more detailed approach to industrial specialities.
This study employed two main approaches. The first was to obtain objective and subjective information from and about a variety of sugar companies operating in similar developed markets. This information included how the companies structured their marketing and sales of bulk, industrial speciality and consumer products, what their strategies and tactics were for improving profit, what their opinions were about the future of these markets and especially, their confidence in their approach.
As information and opinions were acquired, they were analysed, discussed and included in the questioning of the next company. This resulted in a ‘iterative’ approach and allowed companies to reflect and comment on the views of other companies, although indirectly.
The second approach was to obtain data about the variety of consumer products on the market in a number of countries. These products were then analysed in terms of price and market positioning / marketing message. The purpose of the analysis was to try to determine what factors, if any, were common to those companies succeeding in the consumer market. In order to compare the products of one country with those of another, a method was developed for the quantitative assessment of qualitative factors (i.e. ‘market positioning’ and ‘marketing message’) that was independent of cultural bias.
In some countries two companies operate in the same market. We thought that if their product range could be compared analytically, key success factors might be identified. This was particularly relevant where a company may be losing market share to another despite identical pricing.
Speciality Consumer and Industrial Sugars
Executive Summary
- Strategic and Tactical Plan
Industrial Sugar Companies
- Company Structure and Profits
- Profitability
- Consumer products and brands
- Industrial specialities
- Packaging
- Strategy, Tactics and Operations
Analysis of Domestic Sugar Products in Selected Countries
- UK, France, Belgium, The Netherlands
Benchmarking client’s products to those of other companies
Contact Reports
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