In this case study CPL assisted a client in understanding the supplier base for galactose and pullulan which were inputs for its manufacturing process.
The project’s objective was to obtain commercial and technical information about the products and services of pullulan and galactose suppliers and overview the markets for these rare sugars.
The client was a start-up with an innovative technology to stimulate beneficial microbiota shifts and improve human health. The products were produced using a number of ingredients, including rare sugars (i.e. monosaccharides that are present in only small amounts in nature) and polyphenols. The client required information on the producers and alternative uses for these products in order to inform its buying choices.
A formal Request For Proposal process was followed with defined timelines for suppliers’ responses; those which did not respond were chased up a number of times, and follow-up discussions were conducted thereafter. CPL contacted >40 companies including traders and manufacturers. This included ~20 companies which were reported to be manufacturing or trading galactose and ~20 companies trading or manufacturing pullulan. CPL used a combination of desk research and primary research to obtain market data for these products.
The report provided the information required for the client to make informed purchasing decisions for its inputs.
The final report contained the following sections:
Table of Contents
Principal Findings
- Pullulan
- Galactose
- Pullulan
- Galactose
Pullulan Market Overview
- Introduction
- Production method
- Physiological properties
- Functional properties
- Solubility
- Stability
- Viscosity
- Adhesiveness
- Film-Forming
- Mould-ability
Application Areas
- Food functional properties
- Food application rates
Market Estimates
Galactose Market Overview
- Introduction
- Application areas
- Market estimates
- Analysis of concentrations of sugars in the starting material vs. market prices
Pullulan and Galactose Suppliers
- Pullulan Supplier RPF Responses
- Galactose Supplier RPF Responses
13 Contacts
Appendix – Example RFP
- Desired Functional Properties of Pullulan in Foods
- Typical Application Rates of Pullulan in Food Products
- Pullulan Global Market Volume (t) by Industry
- Galactose Global Market Volume (t) by Industry
- Pullulan Global Market Value ($m) by Industry
- Galactose Global Market Value ($m) by Industry
- Pullulan Global Average Price ($/kg) by Industry
- Galactose Global Average Price ($/kg) by Industry
- Plant-Derived D-Galactose Raw Material Sources
- Pullulan Global Volume (t) Forecast by Application
- Pullulan Global Value ($m) Forecast by Type
- Galactose Global Volume (t) Forecast by Application
- Galactose Global Value ($m) Forecast by Type
- Summary of Responses
- Galactose Suppliers Contacted
- Pullulan Companies Contacted
- Pullulan Supplier RFP Responses
- Commercial Data
- Technical Data
- Galactose Supplier RFP Responses
- Commercial Data
- Technical Data
- Pullulan Structure
- Pullulan Production
- Global Pullulan Volume Estimate by Industry
- Global Galactose Volume Estimate by Industry
- Global Pullulan Value Estimate by Industry
- Global Galactose Value Estimate by Industry
- Global Pullulan Volume Split By Industry
- Global Pullulan Average Price Estimate (Combined)
- Global Pullulan Average Price Estimate by Industry
- Global Galactose Average Price Estimate (Combined)
- Global Galactose Average Price Estimate By Industry
- Structure Of Galactose
- Global Galactose Volume Forecast By Application
- Global Galactose Value Forecast By Type
- Global Galactose Value Split By Type
- Global Galactose Average Price Estimate
- Sugar Concentrations Versus Market Prices
Have a look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables, differentiators and case studies. Eight case studies can also be reviewed.