In this case study, CPL was engaged to provide an overview of the market for food ingredients, which identified potential areas of opportunity for a client developing a specialist ingredients business.
The objective of this project was to assist a client in developing its plans to create an Ingredients Business Unit based, on its existing products and side streams, in order to capture more value. The client wanted to identify which ingredients and ingredient clusters would present the most attractive opportunities, given its current or potential technical capabilities and the best strategic approach to adopt in creating the new business unit. As the first stage in this process, CPL reported on a wide range of ingredient types and the nature of the businesses.
Following a workshop with our client, CPL conducted internal brainstorming sessions and preliminary research to identify areas that warranted further analysis. The subsequent study focused on describing key characteristics of markets, such as size and growth rate, technologies currently in use, and an appraisal of the potential for our client in each area.
The report overview of the food ingredients market used data from public sources and databases, as well as contacts from across the sectors of interest to make recommendations.
Click to see the contents of the study, or look below for an outline.
Food Ingredients Market Overview
Objective and Introduction
Food Ingredients Market Trends
- Evolution of the Ingredients Industry
- Heart Health
- Functional Foods / Dietary Supplements
- ‘Free From’ (Allergens)
- Weight Management
- Natural/ clean label
- ‘Better For You’ food products
- Sodium Reduction
- Innovative cost control
- New Product Development in the Food Industry
Amino Acids
- Markets
- Companies
- Markets
- Ascorbic Acid – Vitamin C
- Citric acid
- Lactic Acid
Additives Overview
- Market
- Structure of Industry
- Key Success Factors
- Key Players
- Botanical Extracts
- Structure of the industry
- Key Success Factors
- Trends and Opportunities
- Flavors
- Fragrances
- Esters as Aroma Chemicals
- Market
- U.S.
- Western Europe
- Japan
- China
- Companies
- Carotenoids
- Markets
- Astaxanthin
- Beta Carotene
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin
- Lycopene
- Companies
Dairy-based Ingredients
- Markets
Dietary Supplements
- Summary
- Summary thoughts
- Overview
- Distribution Channels
- Market Structure
- Product and Brand Differentiation
- Markets and Trends
- Market Drivers
- Success Factors
- Barriers to Entry
- Market
- U.S
- Western Europe
- Japan
- China
- Companies
Essential and Speciality Fatty Acids
- Omega-3 Markets
- Oil Seeds
- Algal and Marine Oils
- Krill Oil
Essential Oils for the Perfume, Cosmetic and Aroma Industry
- Markets
- Citrus Oils
- Mint
- Ginger
- Spices
Fatty Esters
Flavours & Fragrances
- Overview
- Current Market
Fruit Preparations
- Markets
Functional Foods
- Markets
- Heart Health
- Lowering glycaemic index
- Weight
- Digestive Health
- A brief history of inulin
Herbals – Nutraceutical & Pharmaceutical
- Overview
- Markets
- Companies
Omega 3
- Markets
- Competition
- Dietary Supplements
- Omega-3 supplements
- Functional Foods
- Pharmaceuticals
- Raw materials
- Omega-3 pharmaceuticals
- Future prospects
- Alternative Products
- Players and Products
- Antioxidants
- Antimicrobials
- Markets
- U.S.
- Western Europe
- Japan
- China
Speciality Ingredients
- Cosmetics, Personal Care and Food Ingredients
Special Nutrition Sectors
- Geriatric Nutrition Market
- Infant Nutrition Market
- Sports Nutrition Markets
- Markets
- Nutritive sweeteners
- Non-nutritive, high intensity, artificial, low-calorie sweeteners
- Polyols
- Chewing Gum
Yeast & Yeast Extracts
- Markets
Non-Food Ingredients
Animal Feed Additive Market
- Market
- Probiotics and Prebiotics Markets
- Companies
- Organic Acids Markets
- Companies
- Enzymes Markets
Personal Care Ingredient Market
- Structure of Industry
- Personal Care Trends
- Key Success Factors
- Major Personal Care Ingredient
- Producers
- Personal Care Chemical Products and Functions
- Cosmetics
- Emulsifiers
- Surfactants
- Emollients
- Thickeners
- Perlising Agents
- UV Screening
54 Tables
63 Figures
Click here to see the contents of the study. In addition, please look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables, differentiators and case studies. Eight case studies can also be reviewed.