In this case study, a regional sugar company engaged CPL Business Consultants to assess the market potential opportunity for liquid sweetener blends and liquid sugars as part of its growth strategy.
For the client, sales of these products could allow it to both obtain greater profit and get closer to its customers.
The study focussed on EU and US markets and included extensive interviews with manufacturers and customers. These data were analysed to overview the markets and trends in Europe and the US.
CPL provided recommendations on whether or not to enter the market and, if so, on the right go-to-market strategy to follow.
Click here for a PDF of the contents of the study, or look below for an outline.
Liquid Sugars and Sweetener Blends
Executive Summary
- Objective and Background
- Method
- Principal Findings
- Markets
- Sugar Companies and Products
- Customer Views
- Customer Trends
- Conclusions
- Markets
- Sugar Companies and Products
- Customer Trends
- Recommendations
Markets, Drivers and Barriers
- Overview
- Market Drivers
- Barriers to Adoption
- Key Success Factors
Success Factors
- Liquids in general
- Sweetener Blends
Market Trends
Sugar Products
- Sugar Companies
- Europe
- United States
- Blenders
- Other Producers
Customers for Liquid Sugars and Sweetener Blends
Contact Reports
- Manufacturers
- Sugar Companies
- Others Including Blenders
- Customers
- Bakery
- Beverages
- Confectionary
- Groceries/Canned Goods
- Ice Cream/Dairy
- Other
Please look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables, differentiators and case studies. Eight case studies can also be reviewed.