In this case study, a government department engaged CPL Business Consultants to examine the potential of bioanalysis as an area of investment and growth in Northern Ireland. CPL prepared a report with an implementation plan which formed part of subsequent government policy and initiatives in Northern Ireland.
The study’s objective was to examine the potential of bioanalysis for improving diagnostics, quality control, process control, safety monitoring and environmental monitoring in a range of industries in Northern Ireland. The report contributed to formulating research directions and applications, improving competitiveness and realising the potential to create a local diagnostics industry.
CPL carried out the work in two phases, with a review after the first exploratory phase. The first phase consisted mainly of visits to representative companies, University Departments and the relevant departments of the Department of Agriculture of Northern Ireland (DANI).
In the second phase, we investigated the following aspects as case studies:
- Bioanalytical research and the role of universities
- Manufacture of diagnostics
- Industrial needs
- Technical needs
- Education/training needs
- Non-technical barriers to the growth of bioanalytical techniques.
This activity was complemented by further visits to those most directly involved. The study was sponsored by the UK Department of Trade and Industry and the Industrial Development and Technology Unit in Northern Ireland. Subsequently, CPL prepared an implementation plan, and a number of the recommendations of the study were put into practice.
You can find an outline of the study contents below.
Bioanalysis in Northern Ireland
- Case Studies
- The Potential for Bioanalytical Techniques in Terms of the Market
- Industrial Base
- Technical Needs
- Non-Technical Barriers to Growth of Bioanalytical Techniques
- Bioanalytical Research and the Role of Universities
- Education and Training Needs
- Manufacture of Diagnostics
- The Potential for Bioanalytical Techniques in Terms of the Market
- Interactions between Sectors and Possible Infra-Structure
- Academic/Industrial Interactions
- Vehicles for Future Development
- Improved Communication Between Sectors
- Relevant Technologies and Their Potential
- Summary Reports of Visits to Various Organisations
Have a look at our PowerPoint Introduction and Brochure describing deliverables, differentiators and case studies. You can also review eight case studies.