In this case study, CPL Business Consultants carried out some preliminary research in order to characterise potential acquisitions targets in flavours. The reports enabled the client to decide on whether to conduct further analysis.
Flavours Company Acquisition Analysis
Entering the flavour business by purchasing a small company can be an efficient, and also a cost-effective route into the business. The objective of this study was to analyse an acquisition candidate for a potential purchaser, so it could make a decision on how to proceed.
The contents of the study included:
- Objective
- Summary
- Conclusions and recommendations
- Products
- Production
- Marketing
- R & D
- Attitude of shareholders
- Competition for the acquisition
Flavours Company Acquisitions Targets
The purpose of this second report was to identify potential targets for acquisition by a client. Initially, CPL selected two UK-based flavour companies for investigation. We recommended one for further investigation as an acquisition target.
Objective and Recommendation
Company Profiles
- Summary
- Recommended Actions
- Fit
- Products
- Markets
- Performance
- Personnel
- Agreements
- Proprietary Aspects
- Regulatory Aspects
- Attitude of Owners
- Perception by Others
- Overall performance
- Profit performance
- Overall performance
- Profit performance
- Performance ratios
- Annual percentage increase
- Flavour companies’ sales performance
- annual sales
- annual profits
- change in sales
- change in profits
- percentage change in sales
- percentage change in profits
Flavour Company Characterisation
The purpose of this last report was to characterise a potential target for acquisition. CPL selected a number of flavour companies for investigation before choosing a company for further investigation. It was selected because CPL considered it a very attractive takeover target with a range of complementary products selling into market sectors of interest.
Contents of the report included:
- Production
- Conclusion and recommendation
- Marketing
- R&D
- Attitude of shareholders
- Personnel
- Directors
- Manning
- Opportunity criteria
- Overall Fit
- Customer service and production
- Products and target sectors
- What would x bring to y
- For which company is y a good target?
- Location of sales
- Annual report extracts
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